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( 型号 : 95-33-0 )
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产品规格 Specification

外观 Appearance


Top Grade 一级品

First grade 合格品

Qualified Grade

淡黄色/Light Yellow

初熔点 Initial M.P. °C≥ 99.0 98.0 96.0

加热减量 Loss on Drying %≤ 0.20 0.30 0.50

灰份 Ash%≤ 0.20 0.30 0.40

筛余物(150μm) Residues(150μm) %,≤ 0.05 0.05 0.10

比重 Density 1.31 � 1.34

甲醇不溶物 Insoluble in Methanol %,≤ 0.50 0.50 0.50

游离胺Free Amine%,≤ 0.50 0.50 0.50

性 状:稍有气味,无毒,,易溶于苯、甲苯、氯仿、二硫化碳、二氯甲烷、丙酮、乙酸乙酯,不易溶于乙醇,不溶于水和稀酸、稀碱和汽油。

Properties :A non-toxicproduct with slight odor . Soluble in benzene, toluene, chloroform, carbon disulfide, dichloromethane, , acetone, ethyl acetate; insoluble in water, gasoline, diluted acids/bases

用 途: CZ是一种高度活泼的后效促进剂,抗焦烧性能优良,加工安全,硫化时间短。在硫化温度138°C以上时促进作用很强。常与TMTD 或其他碱性促进剂配合作第二促进剂。碱性促进剂如秋兰姆类和二硫化氨基甲酸盐类可增强其活性。主要用于制造轮胎、胶管、胶鞋、电缆等工业橡胶制品。

Uses :As a delayed-action accelerator, CZ is the most common sulfenamide accelerator in EDPM based prodcuts such as hose and cable. It is a primarily amine-based accelerator providing medium-fast cure with good scorch safety and excellent modulus development.It is also used as a secondary accelerators in combination with such as TMTD to adjust curing characteristics.

包 装: 25kg/袋

保质期: 12个月

Package 25kg/bag

Shelf:24 months

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[ 联系方式 ]
icon 公司名称 鹤壁市山城区康博联合橡胶化学厂
icon 街道地址 河南 鹤壁市 河南省鹤壁市东环城路南段 458000
icon 电话号码 86 - 0392 - 2437588
icon 传真号码 86 - 0392 - 2430989
icon 公司网址 www.rubberaccelerator.cn
icon 联系人 王利娟 / 销售助理

电话:86-0392-2437588 传真86-0392-2430989